Friday, March 28, 2008

Dylan's Big Boy Bed

Dylan spent his first night in his "big boy bed" last night. It's actually his crib that's transformed into a toddler bed by removing one of the railings. He was so excited to try it out, and we were a little nervous, but he was great. We lined the floor with pillows, just in case, but Dylan didn't move all night long. I think it's an easier transition for Dylan than me. I can't believe my little baby isn't in a crib anymore. Can he be this big already?

Here Dylan is playing in the bed he can now climb in and out of by himself. Of course, he carries his baseball bat everywhere.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter 2008

Easter was another fun day for our family. We all had new outfits for church. Dylan got about 4 Easter baskets from family and the Easter bunny, which was great for Terry and I because we get the candy :) Dylan had an Easter basket hunt at my parents' house after church and in the afternoon, Dylan went on an Easter Egg hunt at Terry's Dad's.

Unfortunately, this is the best picture we have of Dylan's Easter outfit. He didn't want to stand still (could it be because of the candy?)

Dylan loved looking for Easter eggs at "Papa Brady's". He kept yelling "I found one!" Hopefully next year it will be a little warmer, so we're not looking for eggs with boots and snowpants on.

Dylan's Birthday Party

We had a family birthday party for Dylan on Saturday. He had a great time with all of his closest friends and family. Of course, he got to wear his Chuck E. Cheese's crown again. I love that he's at the age to really enjoy opening presents now.

Dylan was so excited to open his new bubbles.

He sat on "Papa" Brady's lap to open most of his presents.

"Papa Mac" and Grandma got Dylan a big wagon. He loves it!! Here Dylan is trying out his new wagon with his friend, Carter.

Aren't I the cutest 2-year-old ever?

I think Daddy is proud of his big boy.

Dylan wanted an Elmo birthday party, of course.

He put a lot of himself into blowing out the candles (including a little spit, sorry everyone that ate a piece)

Last year Dylan cried so hard when everyone was watching him eat his cake. This year, Dylan didn't care about anything but eating every bite!

Dylan Turns 2!!!

Dylan's birthday is on March 21, which happened to be Good Friday this year. I had the day off of work, and Terry took the day off too. We took Dylan to the Children's Museum in GR, then to Chuck E. Cheese, which were both a first for Dylan. We all had a blast, and Dylan was worn out by the end of the day. He didn't even open his presents until after his nap when we got home. It was a great family day and hopefully a day Dylan will remember for a while.

There was a "Bob the Builder" exhibit at the Children's Museum, which Dylan was so excited about.

Dylan got to use "tools" in the Bob the Builder workshop. Of course, he loved to hear them all make noise. He wants to be just like Daddy, using tools and making things.

They had a big car for kids to play in. Dylan saw it from the outside window before we even got in the museum and when we finally got to it, he could hardly wait to climb in and drive.

At Chuck E. Cheese's, Dylan got a birthday crown and sticker, which he never wanted to take off. We bought a lot of tokens so he could play anything he wanted, but his favorite things were free: watching Chuck E. Cheese perform on the stage, and playing on this slide.

By the end of our Grand Rapids trip, Dylan was so tired. It was past his naptime and he slept all of the way home. He didn't want to stay awake to open presents :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Gavin Mark Tisdel!!!

We have a new nephew today! My sister, Krissi, had a baby boy. They are all doing well. Gavin was 21 1/2 inches long, 9 lbs. 1 oz. We went to the hospital as soon as we were done working and Dylan finally got to meet his new cousin. He said "I love Gavin." Here are some pics of the most beautiful nephew in the world. I may be a little biased, but you can see how cute he is for yourself.

Terry is a proud uncle.

I couldn't wait to be an aunt. Finally!

Dylan is meeting cousin Gavin with proud Daddy, Mark, and his "Papa Mac"

Dylan is giving baby Gavin a kiss.

Aunt Darcie and cousin Grace are so excited too.